Sunday 7 December 2008

Congratulation Manas

I am so happy to share this with my friends that Manas has won his first inter-school competition ever. He participated in English Elocution organised in Christ College on Sunday. 30 schools and to name some are Christ Academy, Carmel Convent, Janak Vidyalaya, Christ School, Aradhana public school etc particitpated in the competition. Manas have enrolled on Friday for the competition and the topic was 'Global Economic Crises'. He had to speak for 4 minutes and 1 minute was question-answer session.
My first reaction was 'Why at the last moment you got enrolled' as we have very less time to prepare and from Thursday(12th Dec) is his mid-year examination. I actually scolded him and finally thought of taking some material from the internet. Thankfully Tanay took the responsibility. He started working on the material on Saturday morning and by 2 o'clock he printed out 3 pages for Manas to prepare the topic. Father and son sat whole afternoon together to understand the topic as it was important for answering the question after the speech. Manas found the topic really hard and obviously many adults are failed to understand the depth. How can we expect the same from a 13 years old child who has not even studied Economics till today. Anyways they both worked whole afternoon and finally at 7 o'clock Manas cried and confessed 'Mumma, I can't understand this. Please tell me what to do?' We left him alone at home and went out for coffee. During coffee session we decided to suggest him to withdraw his name. After coming back home, Tanay again sat with him and tried his best to convince and withdraw his name from the competition. But Manas is very adament by nature. He didn't agree for the same and sat again with the pages they both have prepared together. I was actually happy to see his determination. Around 9 o'clock he came to us with all the pages mugged up. Surprisingly he did well and we all slept with some hopes.
Next morning, I tried to wake Manas at 5:30am but all in vein. He got ready by 8:10 and we rushed to the school. The bus was almost ready to move towards Christ College. Around 11:30am he called to inform that he won the first prize in his elocution and then at 2:00pm he again called to inform that he and his team won the 3rd prize in skit also which was led by Manas. The day went well and Tanay's help in preparation was also commendable. Congratulations to both of them. I am attaching the article which Manas spoke about in the elocution.


Rachna said...

Great show. I am proud of Manas. Give him my best.

creativemanika said...

Thank you Rachna. He read my blog today and very happy about it. I will scan his article very soon with my post in the blog.

Manu- The Unborn said...

Isn't it at amazing feeling to write abt your kids achievements...

Tell Manas i love him loads & he is my hero little bro