Thursday 16 July 2009

Zamana badal rahaa hai

In last few days I have heard many stories and comments which made me realise that time is changing.
I have always been an admiror of the people who raise their voice against something wrong. Perhaps because I have always been taught to tolerate everything possible and I don't like that. I also enjoy movies like 'Rang de basanti', 'Guru' or 'A Wednesday', where rebellious attitude is shown. In last few day, few things like calling Mr. Nandan Nilekani to create a unique identification no. for the citizen of India to remove the mediators from the system, Lokayukta comment in frustration published in TOI 'Please make the corruption legalised or give some powers to remove corruption' really made me think that time is changing for the betterment. At least people are ready to face the truth and as a famous say 'First step towards success is awareness'. I am happy to see that people are aware and ready to face the truth.
Today I read an article on how a person has paid Rs 1100 fine instead of paying Rs. 300 bribe to a traffic inspector and reported the incident to the ACP of Bangalore thru a website and his complaint was not only heard but the inspector also got suspended within 3 days. People are ready to make their hands dirty to clean the dirt of their country. I'm sure these small incidents will surely make a change although it is just a drop in the ocean but movement is taking place.

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