Thursday 22 January 2009

Drawing a line in relationships

Since last few days I am experiencing a turbulence in some of my relationships and started wondering 'Where to draw a line in the relationship'. I am very emotional and sensitive for my friends and care a lot about them. Being an active member of the society I love to do something different and that boost my morale too. I remember those days when I was extremely busy with my family and job in the school but still was able to spare time for the layout activities - arranging parties, doing accounts maintenance of the association or attending various meetings related to the welfare of the layout. But, off late things are changed and insisted me to retrospect where I went wrong. In last few months I lost few 'friends' may be they were there only for my good times only.
I have been talking to people and I always loved it but recently I am unable to understand and draw a line, so that I respect my privacy and let others also do the same. This feeling is making me even more introvert and unsure about my conduct. Yesterday one of my friend whom I like talking, called me at 12:30am without any important thing to discuss, very unusual and hurtful. I don't like people calling me after 10pm as that is my family or personal time, and this made me thinking - Am I giving lot of liberty to my friends???

1 comment:

Rachna said...

Hi Manika,
I don't know what exactly is troubling you. But I do agree that we have to have limits in all our relationships - with husband, friends, children. Sometimes, for the sake of being nice or not to offend someone else we endure and feel terrible. Its a fine line, don't be blunt but yet do justice to your inner turmoil too. A friend who understands where you came from if you said something is a true friend else only an acquaintance at best.