Tuesday 20 January 2009

BARACK H OBAMA - The New President of US

Yesterday we watched the oath ceremony and speech of the new President of US, Mr. Barack Obama. Initially his facial expressions were quite nervous and then with pride he gave a long speech about being friendly with all the peaceful countries and some other points too..

It took me a year before during olympic session of China. Abhinav Bindra won the first individual gold medal in shooting, and then India had all the hopes on its wrestlers and boxers. Just a day before the final match, all the boxer and wrestlers were put into so much pressure of 'HOPE' of India to win more golds and ultimately they could not take that pressure and satisfied with Bronze or silver medals. All the news channels were gathered in their homes and raised the expectation of the families too. I felt that this all could have waited for one more day. May be they might not have been in that tremendous pressure of expectations and would have given their best performance without any pressure.
Same thing is happenning with Obama. All the country and world are showing lot of expectations as he only will solve all the problems of economy, hatred and terrorism. It never happens, he might give direction or maximum he can give his policies but with these many hopes and pressure, I think, he first have to make himself calm to see through those expectations. Things will move slowly and steadily if Mr. Obama will get the support of the people and not only their expectations....

1 comment:

Rachna said...

Since he talked about change and "Yes we can", pressure is bound to be on him. I am sure he is aware of it. Being in such a high office, he has to be used to it. I feel pressure is a good thing. It just depends upon how an individual takes it, stand tall and motivated or wilt and wither. Only time will tell.