Sunday 30 March 2014

Blogging.....coming back after 4 years

Yes, It is nice to be back....So much happened in these 4 years and most of it was for good...made me better person.
Today I am dedicating this blog to all those mothers who have taken break in their career because they did not have support at home for their children. Those mothers, who were not ready to leave their children alone at an important stage of their life where they needed their mother the most.

I had a different situation as I came to Bangalore with my children who were 9 and 5 years old, and with new environment, city and school, I was not comfortable leaving them alone at home. So I chose to take a break. Here I want to make it very clear, that every mother and their situation is different so if something is done by me- might not be correct for other.

Hubby dear was busy in his new job and its endless demands. And I took responsibility of taking care at home front. Life threw many challenges, I also could not sit idle at home, as I always wanted to be a career person. Sometimes that frustration vented out on hubby and kids, but they co-operated so well. I worked for a school as PRO for 2 years, worked as visiting faculty for 6 months, sell insurance for 6 years and time flew....and the day came when my elder son completed his 10th grade. I wanted to begin my career again, but I was clueless. I started applying for job.....I am a semi-qualified finance person, and it was very difficult to find job with in-complete qualification. I searched and searched and searched.....believe me, it was the most difficult time of my life. I attended many interviews, with this thought that I just need a beginning to prove myself. In the meanwhile, my younger son was in 7th std. Now children also want to see as their idle, and I was continuously getting rejections from different interviews, it was shown in my attitude too. I was struggling with my dreams and my realities. Not sure, what gave me sons, friends or hubby....but I did not stop making efforts, finally one day, I got a call from a small company to work as Finance consultant. Salary was very less,....may be equal to my conveyance +pocket money.
In these years, hubby worked very hard and reached to high profile job (We both were working on equal level ,before I quit 7 years back) Now the pressure was not to accept the offer as it was taking full day effort and was not paying enough. Honestly, finance is also changed a lot during these years, many new technologies introduced, which were absolutely new for me. But I was very adament and joined the company with heavy heart. Some friends laughed, some supported. Hubby also had mixed feeling, which sometimes worked in my favour, sometimes against. Finally the day came, when I started my job. It was in May 2010.
First month was so difficult as kids were not habitual to live without me, they wanted food to be cooked by me. I was not earning so good, that I can keep a maid servant. Office was 18 km away from home, so driving in peak hour bangalore traffic was killing me on daily basis. Days passed.....then weeks .....and months....slowly I started buying small things for home....which gave me confidence. I worked very hard to learn new systems and procedures. My confidence level was increasing and with that, children and hubby confidence was coming back in me, about my working status. During my job, I also completed my MBA, so ensure that I can join a better company and better perk level. Believe me, it is not easy to sit at home for 7 years for a semi-qualified person, who does not have a professional degree to show, but just a strong desire to be a career person. The company where I was working, all my colleagues were so young to me ,therefore keeping a pace with them was another challenge....I faced all of them.....A year passed and I completed one year in finance consultancy. At the increment time, I got the best increment alongwith retention bonus....that was the time I realised that I am ready for corporate world....which is very challenging, demanding and professional...I always wanted to work in a corporate company......I started another dream......will continue my story in my next week blog :)