Tuesday 12 January 2010

My Kathak Teacher

I have recently joined classes for Kathak - a classical dance form from U.P., India. From my childhood days, I used to love watching programs based on classical music and dance. Once I requested my mother to teach me this dance but she refused. Now when I got this opportunity (the teacher stays in my layout only) I could not stop myself.

The day I joined, My teacher, Bhawna had told us about the history of Kathak and how this dance form was misused by some dancers during British rule and mutilated its reputation. She also explained why we use our right foot or hand to begin with our dance. While listening to her, I observed how dedicated she is to her teaching. She had answers to all our questions and curiosities. I just loved talking about it and learning about various 'dance mudras'. I was really impressed the way she explained each and every step along with its proper angle of hand and leg moment. Needless to say, that she is a perfectionist and does not compromise on any moment unless it is done perfectly.
I also talked to Rachna, my friend, who has learnt Kathak from Bhawna, the same teacher. Rachna also had all the praises for Bhawna and informed how so many ladies have joined Kathak but could not continue for more than a month or two. I am very lucky to have a teacher like Bhawna and that too so near to our residence. I am thoroughly enjoying every class and practicing very dedicatedly at home. My sons are amazed to see me doing dance steps even when I am cooking or cleaning my house. They have also learnt some of the 'tukdas' (the words of dance like ' ta theyi theyi tat') alongwith me. It is just the beginning and I hope to continue with the same dedication if my leg pain will permit me to do the same :)

Tuesday 5 January 2010

The message of ''3 Idiots''

I have watched "3 Idiots" on the day of its release as I promised to both my sons. All of us enjoyed the movie a lot and later its preview was also amazing. Today I read in the newspaper that its income is more than 240 crores and I would rate is a 5* movie.

The movie is having a question to the current education system. Although Mr. Kapil Sibbal, Education Minister, took some bold steps to change the way marks are given and now it is changed to grading system. Class X board is optional and continuous assessment is emphasised but the bigger question is 'Does it change the attitude of a teacher or parent?' Coming back to movie it says that there is no machine to check the brain pressure and current education system is giving a lot of pressure to the children but this new style is not going to change anything.

Manas, my elder son, is studying in IX std and we got a call from the school to get more information about the new changed grading system, where the student will be analysed on overall basis, be it sports, attitude towards teachers peers, school or its property, stage performances, class project, assignments, unit tests, mid-year or final year. I would say that the tension is expanded not only during year-end at the time of exams but also in the whole academic year. Can any student be the best in all these areas? Ultimately it is marks and relationship with teacher. One example to quote - Biology teacher have asked to bring a medicinal plant and a short note on that. I was out of town and Manas could not bring a new plant instead he took one which was available in my garden but he got 6/10 in his project with this reminder that now grades will impact his 10th result. How would we change the attitude of teachers. Manas is always a disturbance for his teachers as he asks so many questions. He wants to persue his career in English writing and scoring more than 90% in English but all other subject's marks are coming down drastically. He just can't cope up with Maths and Physics but have to study till 12th Std. He is favourite of his English teacher but just because he is scoring good marks in that subject. What about other subject teachers? Why teachers like only those students who score good in their subject? Why this discrimination on the basis of marks? My son is good as far as knowledge goes but writing exams is major problem with him. Teachers agrees that he is nice human being, very helpful, understands all the concepts and have full understanding of the subject but when it is exams time than marks goes for a toss and a frustration is visible on the face of the teacher and then it passes on to me and Tanay. I could not see any reason of happiness with the changing system and on top of it, School principal have insisted to opt for grading as well as for Xth boards (which is optional) because this is going to be the first year of trial of the new system in case of Manas. I sometimes gets frustrated and definitely the impact is on the children too. How long can we ignore the attitude of the teachers and happy only with the knowledge children have gained.
I have actually compared the system of today's education and the one shown in the movie. Can any child become first if he has been kicked out of all the classes he has to attend as shown in the movie? Can any teacher leave his/her ego and encourage child only to gather knowledge. I can see the pressure on Manas but can I help him? How can he avoid to pay attention on other's grades or marks. What is changed??? Initially the fight was for each number and now the slabs of 5-10 marks is defining grades. But where is knowledge or encouragement which each child should get. Half of children's time is going on unproductive activities e.g. Chart making, Doing project in a certain type of file etc. My younger son has written an essay thrice just because scrap book was not available in the market and other books were not acceptable to the teacher. But can we do anything about this??? I am still searching for answers? Hope my sons are not having so much brain pressure. But this is important only for me...

Sunday 3 January 2010

bye bye 2009 and Welcome 2010

Ah..what a fantastic beginning of the new year 2010. We had a party in our layout and I had been given a responsibility of arranging a teenage kids fashion show. Initially it was really tough to bring all the kids together and ultimately I had a group of 8 children to prepare for the show. So many themes were discussed and finally bollywood characters were finalised. Overall it went well. The evening began with a problem as the orchestra was late----very late. He had promised to arrange everything by 7 pm but he was not available till 9pm as he stuck in traffic jam...an excuse we all can use in Bangalore everyday :) Finally music was set by 9:15 and Bhawna, Bunty, Tanya and Manas hosted the show. The dance programs were awesome. Fashion shows of kids, teenagers and finally ladies (an era of 60's) was also well organised. In between, a singer from orchestra team have bored us. He was a pathetic singer. Shantanu of house no. 19 from our layout has sung far better than the orchestra fellow. Around 11:30 all the programs were over and floor was available for the dance ....everybody was just waiting for this time. We all have danced and enjoyed till 12:30 and welcomed new year 2010. Manas danced till 1:30 and was very happy. First time Ajay and Manas performed on a dance number(Smack that) together. They have also participated in fashion show too. Both have enjoyed a lot. Food was also arranged and we all have eaten there. Later at night Tanay and Ajay ate paranthas at home. They both don't enjoy outside food and always look for some home cooked food. Finally we all slept by 2 at night. It was truly a memorable new year beginning...